
My great loves as a reader are crime and literary fiction and my own books reflect those interests, though most have an element of mystery or suspense.

Still You Sleep 400

Still You Sleep

Still You Sleep is the first in a crime fiction series featuring online journalist Tilda Green and veteran crime reporter Freddie Stone. A vulnerable young woman has died of a drug overdose, apparently murdered. Tilda is on the trail of social media trolls who are using her death for their own ends but Freddie thinks the killer is closer to home.

Brand New Friend by Kate Vane

Brand New Friend

Tilda and Freddie first appeared as minor characters in Brand New Friend. Foreign correspondent Paolo Bennett re-examines his days as a student activist when he learns that the friend who inspired him has been unmasked as an undercover cop – and he may be linked to two murders. A thriller with a great 80s soundtrack!

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The Former Chief Executive

The Former Chief Executive is more literary suspense than crime fiction. Deborah was the chief executive of a hospital trust but has been forced into retirement after a tragedy. Luca, a young ex-offender, comes to work on her garden, and appears to offer friendship, but as events escalate it seems neither of them can escape the past.

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My first novel, Recognition, is a crime novel set in Leeds in the early 2000s. A child’s evidence led to the conviction of a man for her mother’s murder, but ten years on the conviction is in doubt. Therapist Nat Keane knew the family then and is trying to untangle the truth, but maybe she has got too close.

end of the bay kate vane

End of the Bay

End of the Bay is a darkly comic mystery set in Devon. In an affluent street on the English Riviera, the coast is crumbling, the neighbours are divided and the houses are falling off a cliff. Then one of the residents is horribly murdered. Can the mysteriously recently arrived Laura solve the crime? Or does she have other fish to fry?

not the end kate vane cover 2017

Not the End

I stepped away from crime and suspense when I wrote Not the End. It’s a wry look at life and death in a Devon seaside town. It draws on my experience of working in a local authority cemeteries department!

Want to know more? Click on a book’s title to read the full description, or visit my Amazon author page